Our Product
Learn about some of the amazing features that PaperScorer has to offer.
Quick Create Assessments
Creating assessments is one of the most important functions within the PaperScorer application. Through the use of templates, we make it very easy for teachers to quickly create assessments. Once an assessment is created, it can be modified further for a specific test or use case.
Multiple Question Types
There are multiple item types you can use within an assessment. All the multiple choice type questions (include true/false & yes/no) are auto scored items that represent a more traditional type of bubble sheet question. We also support basic numeric response that are auto scored and written responses that are manually scored.
Custom Labels
Do you need more flexibility then the standard default auto-numbering? The PaperScorer application will allow you change any question label within an assessment. This allows teachers to create multi-part questions quickly and easily right within the application.
Question Standards & Tags
Do you want to test specific standards for a scanned assessment? With the PaperScorer app, you can set standards on each question. We provide all the common core standards, but teachers can upload custom standards as well. We also allow the use of tags for added reporting power.
Grading Assessment
After assessment sheets are scanned into the PaperScorer application, teachers have a very easy to use grading screen for any questions that are not auto graded. The grading screen can also be used to correct any scanning errors and can quickly override an answer or score value.
Mass Scoring
At times, teachers will need to score multiple questions over a large number of students. The PaperSorer platform has an excel view to allow teachers to quickly switch between student answers. Also, there is an options to change score values across all answers for a specific question.
Overview Reporting
PaperScorer's most popular pre-built report is the overview report. This will give teachers a general view of how students performed on an individual assessment. On this report, you can find a break down by standards, a break down by tags, and a break down of lowest performing data.
Question Analysis Report
The PaperScorer application provides another pre-built report around question analysis. Teachers can review the response distribution on a question by question basis. This provides a lot of valuable information about what students did on a particular assessment and its answer distribution.
Bulk Upload & Scanning
While PaperScorer does provide a mobile application to scan individual testing sheets, there is functionality to upload a large number of scanned sheets at one time. Using any standard scanner, you can upload or email the zip file. The PaperScorer application will process all the scanned sheets automatically and notify you when its done.

Ready to start using the PaperScorer App?
You can create a free account with no obligation to purchase. Give our app a try and see if you like it. You can scan up to 100 testing sheets completely free.